When owner Don Basch listened to Michigan's Governor Gretchen Whitmer address citizenson March 23, 2020, he, along with everyone else in the state, heard the news that all non-essential businesses were ordered to close their doors until at least April 13th. That night, Don went home, got on the internet, and researched what he could do to help protect the medical and emergency responder professionals in his Traverse City community.
Don Basch, owner.
“I found a local group that shared a Google doc showing PPE itemsthat hospitals are needing to help keep doctors and nurses protected. One of the items was face shields with a suggested design.” Don went to the Photodonshop and got to work making a shield using some materials he had in stock. After tinkering with the shieldpattern, he constructed the first shield. He also ordered someadditionalsupplies needed to make the shields.
Angela W. assembling personal protective face shields to help medical and other emergency personnel during the coronavirus pandemic.
“We now havesupplies on hand to make about 1,500 shields,” Don said. Photodon plans to provideas many shields as they can and currently have face shields ready to deliver. “We just want to do what we can to help with what we are capable of doing,” Don said.
Interested organizations should contact Photodon by emailing [email protected] or calling us at 847-377-1185, M-F 9:00a.m – 5:00pm EST.
Now that the coronavirus has arrived, electronic devices are being cleaned regularly, especially ones used in medical facilities. To ensure these devices are cleaned properly, hospital-grade type disinfectants are being used directly on expensive digital screens which, if not protected, can cause damage to the screen. Our screen protectors hold up to harsh chemicals and can save your device screen’s life. Below you’ll see what we did to prove this.
The Test – HSC and MXHScreen Protectors and Anti-Bacterial Cleaning Solutions:
Our Photodon lab technicians created a bleach test to see how our HSC and MXH screen protector materials would hold up to being regularly cleaned with hospital-grade Clorox Bleach Germicidal Wipes.
We used a standard office monitor and wiped down the screens two times daily with the bleach wipes for a period of 30 days. The results were clear: the screen protectors' clarity and protection were not compromised, which means the screen itself was not either!
Features and Specifications of Photodon’s HSC and MXH Screen Protectors:
Our screen protectors can be part of your company’s cost-reduction program by avoiding the need to replace expensive screens, whether it be for medical equipment screens that can be damaged by regular and necessary cleaning requirements especially at this time, to manufacturing-type devices, laptops, monitors, TVs, or any other device screen.
Our HSC and MXH Materials:
Are resistant to yellowing, even when cleaned with harsh chemicals
Are touchscreen-compatible
Are an affordable solution
Are great protection for your screen and offer different finishes. HSC is a clear, glass-like option, where MXH offers an anti-glare, matte finish
Protect your devices from scratches and blunt force impact
Withstand daily wipe-downs with hospital-grade disinfectants, including bleach wipes
Can be custom-cut for any device (up to 40.5” tall)
Are easily removable with no residue left on the screen
Come with installation kits and detailed instructions for an easier installation
Photodon’s Advice:
Replace the screen protector – not the screen.
While we have not tested our other materials, we believe that our other screen protector material types would respond the same way if tested with the bleach wipes. Should chemicals degrade the PET material over time, it can be inexpensively replaced, while the same cannot be said of replacing the actual device screen.
The Bottom Line:
Touchscreen use is increasing in medical-type environments from patients using equipment to check in and check out, to doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and other staff. It pleases us to know that we can provide a high-quality, affordable option for protecting these heavily used and expensive devices. We specialize in custom solutions, and we offer 11 screen protector materials and 3 privacy filter materials. We have quick turn-around times and will work with you to get you what you need when you need it!
You can contact us at 847-377-1185, M-F 9:00a.m – 5:00pm EST, or email us at [email protected].
If you're reading this blog post, chances are you already know what an optical comparator is. Until we heard from a customer at Modern Manufacturing & Engineering, WE didn't know. But we were soon schooled in the optical comparator universe.
For those who DON'T know what an optical comparator is, here is a Wikipedia explanation:
The Mascoutah Police Department of Mascoutah, IL, came to Photodon for help with solving a privacy problem. Since coming up with custom solutions for our customers is what we do best, we were well-equipped and happy to help.
Police officers use computers in their police cars so that they have ready access to information. A great deal of public information is retrieved through these computers — information necessary for them to do their jobs effectively. Why? Sometimes they need to get the position of other police officers in the area, or they need to look up suspect information at a crime scene. These computers — often ruggedized tablets –are also used for record-keeping and tracking vital data such as license plates.
The Mascoutah Police Department's Challenge: Help Us Keep Public Information Protected
Lieutenant Matt S. called us and said that his department's Motion R12 Rugged tablets were installed on the dash of their squad cars. The problem? When the officers leave the car, the screen is left in plain view, leaving the public's personal information in the database vulnerable to wandering eyes.
He wondered if we had any suggestions as to how to help keep information on the screen from being seen by people outside the car. He explained that it is their duty to protect the public's private data.
Photodon's Advice
We offered to send 5"x3" samples of our privacy filter materials to Lieutenant Matt so that he and his colleagues could decide which of our filter options would work best to solve their problem. We offer three types of privacy filters from which they could choose:
Choice #1: 2-way adhesive privacy filters (P2S) — meant to be installed one time and left in place; offers privacy from left to right;
Choice #2: 4-way adhesive privacy filters (P4S) — also installed once and left in place, offering privacy from left to right and top to bottom;
Choice #3: 2-way non-adhesive privacy filters (P2L) — has the option to be taken on and off of the screen several times; offers privacy from left to right.
2-way Privacy Filter Demo
4-way Privacy Filter Demo
After receiving the samples, the team of police officers decided to purchase the 2-way adhesive privacy filter for the computers in their squad cars. Problem solved. Here is what Lieutenant Matt had to say:
Hello Jolynn,
I installed the screen protectors the same day we received them. They fit like a glove and the officers love them compared to the ones we had before.
The overall satisfaction is a "5-star" rating.
I appreciate the time and assistance and will definitely relay our satisfaction with the Photodon screen protectors to other departments using the Motion R12 tablets.
We love helping our customers solve problems, especially in protecting their digital gear from damage, glare, and visual data breaches. We can customize privacy filters for first responders, emergency personnel, fire departments, and more. If we don't have a particular privacy filter on our website, we will custom cut the filters for your device. Custom is what we do.
Have similar needs?
You can call us at 847-377-1185, M-F 9:00a.m – 5:00pm EST, or email us at [email protected].
Several months ago, a new customer named Jason – an owner of a Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting business in Minnesota – called Photodon. His problem? He had been purchasing a protective cover for his Satorius TopMix2 Paint Terminal that
A) didn't fit (it was like a bag around the machine);
B) was expensive (around $100.00); and
C) had to be replaced monthly because the plastic would get damaged when the paint had to be cleaned off it.
The TopMix touch screen is connected to a scale and mixer. When the paint is mixed, as you can imagine, it can splatter. In addition, the paint shop workers often touch the screen with gloves that have paint on them. This means that the very expensive touch screen needs to be protected.
Jason explained, "I use a paint thinner to clean the screen about once a week, and the protector I'm using gets damaged quickly. I'm spending a fortune on these protective covers. I'm hoping you can help me."
Increasingly, companies find it essential that images, data, and other information be protected from visual hacking.
Leadership teams are making the decision to provide their employees with computer privacy screens to decrease the risk of private and/or sensitive information getting within sight of unauthorized personnel or clients.