Several months ago, a new customer named Jason – an owner of a Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting business in Minnesota – called Photodon. His problem? He had been purchasing a protective cover for his Satorius TopMix2 Paint Terminal that
A) didn't fit (it was like a bag around the machine);
B) was expensive (around $100.00); and
C) had to be replaced monthly because the plastic would get damaged when the paint had to be cleaned off it.
The TopMix touch screen is connected to a scale and mixer. When the paint is mixed, as you can imagine, it can splatter. In addition, the paint shop workers often touch the screen with gloves that have paint on them. This means that the very expensive touch screen needs to be protected.
Jason explained, "I use a paint thinner to clean the screen about once a week, and the protector I'm using gets damaged quickly. I'm spending a fortune on these protective covers. I'm hoping you can help me."